No one knows you better than yourself

Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching: Empowering you to take control of your well-being and create lasting change.

Portrait of the Coach on sofa: Portrait of Alex Higgins, evidence based holistic health & wellness coach in Vermont.

Get To The Heart of What Matters Most

Do you feel stuck in mental and behavioral ruts that no longer serve you? Do you know what you need to change but have difficulty finding the time, accountability or resources needed to follow through? I can help you clear away the clutter and get to the heart of what matters most to you. You want to be empowered to take control of your own well-being and experience lasting change, and I’m here to offer you strong and compassionate support along the way.

Hand reaching for healthy food: Representing eating and nutrition support by holistic wellness coach Alex Higgins.

For those seeking compassionate, self-directed lifestyle support in any of the following areas:

Overall Wellness & Wellbeing

Eating & Nutrition

Exercise & Movement

Body Composition

Digestive Health

Stress Management

Sober Living


Menopause and Hormone Health

Chronic Condition Lifestyle Management

Sleep Health

Meditation & Mindfulness

Portrait of the Coach with wild flowers: embodying holistic well-being.

You Are Unique

When you are unable to make a change on your own, you feel self-critical and discouraged. You doubt your abilities and question your willpower. Shame and self-judgment can be overwhelming to the point that you give up on your health goals. Adopting any new behavior requires a clear, incremental strategy rooted in your strengths and values, and the resources that are available to you. Change does not happen all at once or in a predetermined way. You are unique, and there is a personalized coaching plan that works for you by building your confidence and creating plans for when setbacks happen. You don’t have to go it alone.

My coaching philosophy is based on compassion, not perfection. Wherever you are on your own path, I’m here to meet you and walk alongside you. I rely on evidence-based theories to encourage you to deepen your understanding and create strategies that align with your vision of health and well-being.

Portrait of the Coach against a white backdrop laughing: Portrait of Alex Higgins, evidence based holistic health & wellness coach in Vermont.

Uncover Your Own Strengths and Resources

It helps to have an ally who can see your journey from another perspective and allow space for you to gain awareness of the many complex factors that influence your ability to change. When you take a holistic approach you will be able to draw connections between your mental narrative and your behaviors. You will gain confidence and self-efficacy as you define your goals and follow through with them. You will align your actions with your values. You’ll uncover your own strengths and resources. With greater self-awareness comes greater calm, clarity, and balance.

Black white fruit plate: Representing eating and nutrition support by holistic wellness coach Alex Higgins.

How It Works


Schedule a free call to see how coaching can help
you achieve your goals.


Select the coaching package that suits you best.


Together, we will co-create your wellness plan and
get specific about your goals and the strategies,
resources, and strengths needed to achieve them.

I provide a nonjudgmental, supportive partnership. I have no set program or agenda to give you. I am here to support you in what you want to accomplish. You always have a choice in the coaching process. No goal is too small or too large.